Monday 31 May 2010

The Brutally late Club

website in construction

The Brutally late club will meet at the brutally late our of 6.29 am at a cafe, bar, arts space , etc...
In opposition to the Brutally early club, that meets at 6.30 am and is extremely difficult to get information about, The Late, I mean the Brutally late club intends to have as a sole rule that it's members need necessarily to have woken up in the previous day.
A revival of the old believe that exhaustion (not only but mainly) stimulates creativity.
And of the democratic process of whoever is keen enough to show up deserves to be part of the club, in opposition to an invitation process.

I finish this initial introduction letter by thanking Hans Ulrich Obrist for the idea for the early version of the club.

with my warmest regards

ps: If you which to be informed about our first event please do became a follower below, write your email on the comments or check this blog regularly. AN AUTOMATED MAILING LIST IS BEING SET UP